24 Seven Glass, Glazing & Locks Environmental Policy

Upper Tier Waste Carrier
Upper Tier Waste Carriers
24-7 Glass, Glazing & Locks are committed to pursuing the best Environmental Practices and conduct our activities in a way that fully recognises responsibilities to the environment.  We believe that the following measures contribute to this policy.

  • The consistent integration of environmental operations into our businesses planning and decision- making process.
  • Identifying, evaluating and managing aspects of our activities with a view to reducing and where possible eliminating actions and activities which have an adverse effect on the environment.
  • Setting and reviewing of appropriate environmental objectives and targets as required.
  • Complying with all applicable legislation and regulatory and statutory requirements as appropriate.
  • Striving to improve the integrated management systems and in doing to the environment in which we operate.
  • A commitment to the prevention of pollution in all 24-7 Glass, Glazing & Locks activities. Training of employees to be aware of their environmental impact within the roles they undertake.
  • Being mindful of the efficient consumption of energy and materials at all times.
  • Implementing waste minimisation programs where required.
  • Encouraging all contractors and suppliers to develop environmental policies in line with our own.
  • Co-operation with the public and any relevant authority toward the shared aim of improving the environment.
  • Utilising social media to reinforce the message of the importance of collective responsibility on environmental matters and highlighting any practices which have been found to be particularly useful in waste reduction or in controlling the environmental impact of our business practices or those of others where it is deemed acceptable by others for us to share this information.
  • Ensuring this document is made available to employees and clients and members of the public as required.

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For more information:

Call: 0800 996 1247 or 0121 476 0717.
